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First responders, THANK YOU SO MUCH for all of your hard work!
For those of you who were able to get the Breathe Respiratory Support Essential Oil Inhalers I distributed, simply remove the cap, place under nostrils & inhale deeply
as needed throughout the day.
Each inhaler has 8 drops of doTERRA Breathe Essential oils on a cotton wick inside. This blend helps to open up airways and aid in breathing clearly.
More in-depth info on our Breathe Blend here.
The Breathe Respiratory Drops are lozenges to also help soothe and open up airways for easier breathing. More on Breathe Drops here.
Fire Evacuees, you have all been on my mind and in my heart!
My husband an I both grew up in the San Lorenzo Valley and my mom and brother's family still reside in Ben Lomond and my husband's parents still reside in Felton. We are currently about 3 hours south at Vandenberg Air Force Base and wanted to do more for my hometown community that I love so dearly. doTERRA, the company I represent has an incredible foundation called the Healing Hands Foundation that helps in all sorts of natural disasters. I reached out and was able to secure these 72-hour emergency relief hygiene kits and drove up to distribute them among fire evacuees from the Santa Cruz mountains.
I wanted to make sure those of you who received one of these kits knew how to use a couple of the items in there that may not be familiar to you. Please reach out with questions you have.
Deep Blue Rub provides a comforting sensation of cooling and warmth to overworked muscles and joints. It is a great natural alternative to muscle rubs and topical pain lotions. This may be helpful to you if you are carrying tension in your neck and shoulders or wake up a little stiff. A little goes a long way, you should be able to get 3-4 applications from each sample packet. A small pea size is normally enough to help! More info on Deep Blue Rub here.
Tea Tree Touch is a pre-diluted roller bottle of Tea Tree (Melaleuca) essential oil. Since it is pre-diluted with Fractionated Coconut Oil, it is safe for all members of the family. This blend is very versatile and can help in many ways. It is best known for its purifying properties and can be used to cleanse and purify the skin (apply topically on skin issues), support the immune system (roll along spine 2x daily), respiratory system (roll on chest when you need respiratory support).
Find more in-depth info on Tea Tree here. 
Stay strong!
#831strong #valleystrong
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